Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How many licks does it take . . . ?

You've heard this line from a classic commercial, "How many licks does it take to get the center of a 'Tootsie Pop'?"  Perhaps a better question is, "How many packets of paperwork does it take to get a permit to work in New Zealand?"

Getting long-term employment in another country is not for the faint of heart.  Paperwork, money, background checks, health assessments . . .and more paperwork and more money.   This seems to be my life right now as I seek to transfer my teaching license to New Zealand and get registered by the Teacher's Council.  I have a new appreciation for the expatriates and immigrants among us right here in Kansas City! 

The investment is worth it!  God has called me to love and serve him in whatever context I find myself, and He has recently opened the door to serve and learn in New Zealand.  If my obedience to His call means that a little boy or girl in New Zealand finds hope and wholeness in Christ, or that a friend or family member is inspired to love God with everything they've got . . it's all worth it!  If I feel love and accepted and find fulfillment in my work, it's worth it!  If I feel lonely and abandoned and wonder what I am doing 10,000 miles away. . .it's worth it even then.  I trust my Lord with this journey and because God has pointed me in this direction, IT'S ALL WORTH IT!

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