Tuesday, January 27, 2015

God's "DIY" Project

I love how God works.

  I have been praying as of late about what we should study in Kids Club for the next few weeks, curious as to what direction we should go for the months of February and March.
Others have also been praying that God would provide the necessary guidance; after all, these are His kids and His club!

   Yesterday I found myself at the public library, drafting my sermon on forgiveness for Sunday, not a trace of Kids Club on my mind at the time.   Upon leaving the library, I meandered past the science section and decided to peruse the books just for fun. It had been ages since I simply spent time in the library at leisure with no homework to complete, no study to be done, and  no agenda in mind.

 (In all honesty, most often I'd rather be spending my energies outside or sitting at my sewing machine during my free time. Rarely does reading books make it to the top of the list.  I probably shouldn't admit that being a school teacher, pastor, and seminary student. LOL!)

Anyway, I was drawn to an "Atlas of the Universe" and various other books about Astronomy.  Naturally, some of them were written from an evolutionary platform.  Nonethless, the facts that they presented on the complexity of our universe would leave even the biggest brains in the world scratching their heads. I enjoyed the books, thanked God for his creativity, and left the library.
Then this morning my devotional reading took me to Genesis 1, the Creation account. The birds sung their morning songs outside my window, and memories of the massive waves that beat me up at Woolley's Bay two days ago accompanied my reading, bringing this marvelous description of planet Earth to life.  The Lord seemed to whisper to me, "Teach them again about my big DIY project.  They need to hear it again."

I came into the office this morning to continue to work on church matters, make some phone calls, and put some more final touches on my sermon before a meeting.  At the conclusion of a phone call with a parishioner, he added this post-script, "Oh yes, and do you have time for one more thing?  I think you ought to check out the new TIME Magazine article, 'Science Increasingly Makes A Case for God' ".
   Three times in less than 24 hours I've been prompted in some way, shape, or form, to revisit the Creation account.  Coincidence?  Nah.  This is how God works.  We've prayed for His direction and He has used various avenues to communicate the guidance for which we sought : His Word, His People, His Spirit, and circumstantial evidence.
Notice that I said, "we" prayed; "we" sought direction.  Often discernment occurs in the context of community.  In the community of "we", God can lead "me".  He often uses other godly people and teaching from His Word to confirm or deny what we might initially think is an impression from the Holy Spirit, or a thought that could or could not be from God.

I love how God works!

Thus, I can feel confident in moving forward with plans for the future.  God has answered our prayers.  Teaching the kids about His creation is always a good thing, and now more than ever,  children need to not only know the truth about where they came from, but learn how to use their critical thinking skills to discern between right and wrong for any given situation.

So, we're going to revisit the Creation account again for the next few weeks!  I'll think I'll call it,
"God's DIY Project" (Do It Yourself).  Maybe that could catch on!

 I'll keep you posted on the progress of our voyage around this pale blue dot we call Planet Earth.

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